
Showing posts from December, 2022

Model Sheets

So far I have completed two model sheets. One for Guinevere, which I have already started modelling, and one for Arthur which I will also begin modelling soon.  I drew both of them on IbisPaint and made sure to have a side and front view of each in order to make the modelling easier.  For the Guinevere model sheet, I did some of it by eye which made it more difficult when modelling the character. I learnt from this and imported numerous grids and support lines for when I drew the Arthur model sheet to make sure that everything was lined up, especially with him being the most angular character that I plan to make.  I will go onto drawing the Merlin concept and model sheet and get everything ready to model him as well.  (for the blog post, I have edited the side and front sheets together for convenience)

Starting to model Guinevere

With my concept art done, I went on to making the model sheets for Guinevere. I created a front and side perspective for the character. In order to create them, I used IbisPaint and was careful with measurements and tried my best to make sure everything was lined up. When drawing the model sheets, I used both the concept art that I had already done and a basic model sheet to use as a base.  Once I had finished the model sheets, I wanted to get straight into modelling her. To start off the model, I wanted to get a basic shape so used the base model sheet that I used to draw mine. With it, I modelled the overall shape of Guinevere’s body which I would later alter to what I wanted.  I started off her body at the ankle, then finishing the feet before moving up the leg to the torso and arms.  The only thing that I changed about the model was the lower leg as the model sheet's version made it look strange. Instead, I made it wider to make it appear more natural.  After I finished half of

Arthur Concept

Arthur was the next one that I designed its concept for. Being the more mechanical character that I plan to make, I have used quite a lot of cubes and other angular shapes to design him.  For his design, I wanted to use the basic shapes that a medieval knight would have had on their armour. I looked at numerous amounts of armour designs from the Middle Ages era to get his overall idea.  My main inspirations I had for his design were Optimus Prime from the Transformers franchise and also the numerous robots from Tower of Fantasy. Both of these are quite bulky in appearances and I believed that would work well towards the Arthur character. His head primarily consists of the helmet’s bevor (mouth guard), crown which will help emphasis his position as king, and an eye.  Designing his body was the hardest part as I had to keep his robotic appearance but also integrate a knight’s armour into it. I’ve intertwined gold around the body as another symbol of wealth and power. The gold is also to