
Showing posts from November, 2022

Guinevere Final Concept

After creating an initial concept for Guinevere, I wanted to add onto the design and make it more unique and more suited to the robotic aesthetic. Using IbisPaint, I imported the initial concept and drew over it for the basic shape.  I also used the mannequin image that I used in the initial design as a template for her legs.  Once the basic shape was done, I began to add onto it with the "dress" and additional details to the body.  I kept her having a visible body to help with the idea of the android style.  With the dress, I thought in the original design that having a fabric dress wouldn't be fitting for an android so decided to change it. I decided upon creating the dress with using multiple plates that come around her legs. This is to help her look more metallic yet still keeping the idea of her having a dress. I also plan to have her have much larger sleeves/cuffs to match fashions from medieval times where women would have much wider and longer sleeves. As the slee

Celtic Symbols

 As the Arthurian legend is based on Celtic myth, I wanted to include some Celtic symbols into my model designs. All symbols within the Celtic beliefs have specific meanings. So I will discuss some of the ones that I may add into the designs. Celtic Spiral The Celtic Spiral represents spiritual growth. A lot of Celtic symbols used helix spirals, meaning eternity.  It also meant infinite space. I was thinking of adding the Celtic spiral into my piece/s due to it being one of the simplest designs which will make it easier to add it. Awen Like the Celtic Spiral, the Awen is another simple design. There are many interpretations of this symbol, usually relating;  - to the earth, sea and air  - body, mind and spirit  - love wisdom and truth I think this will be another simple one to add into the designs. Bowen Knot With the Arthurian legend being modernised during the medieval times, this symbol might be quite fitting. It means the true love and loyalty of a man to his woman. During medieval

Guinevere Early Concept

  My Guinevere character will be the most "human-like". I looked at media images of more android styled robots and thought that would fit her appearance the most.  With this style of robot, I will be able to emphasis Guinevere's curves as a female more than if I made her more Transformers-styled like I plan for my Arthur character. As a concept piece, I decided to use Photoshop in order to mix multiple images into what I want her to look like for an initial concept. I wanted her to have traditional medieval clothing so used an image from my Guinevere mood board for the dress. I also used one of the female android heads from the same mood board to replicate her head shape as well as some of the inner workings I may add to the character. As a base of the image, I decided to look for a female mannequin as a lot of them seem somewhat robotic in regards to their joints. I thought that the more mechanical I can make the concept art, the better I'll understand her shapes whe


For the Arthur character that I wish to have him holding a weapon or two. This will emphasis him being a medieval knight. There are a few prominent weapons that were used within medieval times. Even though I am planning to do a joint medieval and futuristic theme, I still wish to keep the former as the source of my weapon choices. Therefore, Arthur will not be having ray guns or lightsabers. I may be able to add some aspects of the more futuristic designs into them however. For this blog, I will be focusing on the weapons that I intent to include on my Arthur character. These will be a sword, shield and lance. I will also look at staves for Merlin. As stories throughout history tend to get modernised, I will be using the most notable appearances of weapons that King Arthur and Merlin are typically depicted with. Swords Swords are obviously the clear option for a weapon of a medieval knight, being the weapon that is most commonly see in art, media and games. The most typical sword withi


For my project, I want to create three characters. Following on my idea of using the Arthurian legend as a base, these will be Guinevere, King Arthur and Merlin (as depicted below). Throughout the years, the Arthurian legend has changed many times, plus the numerous amounts of speculation about the character's origins and backgrounds. An example of these speculations is about Morgan le Fay/Morgana, Arthur's supposed sister. Some stories say that she was Arthur's protector, whilst others say she assisted in his downfall. The most famous of the Arthurian stories is written by Welsh cleric, Geoffrey of Monmouth. As there are so many versions of the stories of Arthur and his fellows, I will be basing this research on what I already know and the most notable depictions, particularly that of  Geoffrey of Monmouth . Another key writer of the Arthurian was French poet Chrétien de Troyes who added Lancelot, Percival and the Holy Grail and began the romance within the legend. King Ar


Like any project, I made a mind map to organise my ideas. Although I have already made one on paper, I wanted to recreate it on pc just so everything is in the same place.  To make it, I used a website called Miro. I was able to make it a lot neater on pc than I had done on paper and I was also able to highlight the areas that I will be looking at for my project easier. I put down all my possibilities for the project onto it but changing the lines of the things I will be focusing on to green on each branch (except programs).