
Showing posts from January, 2023

Guinevere Update

  My Guinevere character is now practically complete. Since the last post that I did on her character, I have completely finished off her head and added the pipework that goes down her torso.  Her head was certainly a challenge as I wanted to make it as realistic as possible. The hardest part for me to do was probably around the mouth. Whilst I was making the head, like with the rest of the body, I kept going back to Turbosmooth to check if everything looked okay. As I kept checking, the mouth never really looked correct. It took my a lot of time to get it to it's current state. The pipework was also more difficult than I thought it was going to be. Because the dress was enlarged from the body, it meant that it no longer matched the model sheets. This led to the pipework now being moved out further as well. I still kept referring back to the model sheet. Also to make it similar to the model sheets, I followed the breasts and allowed a large enough gap between them for the pipe to s

Merlin Concept

 The last character that I created it's concept for was Merlin. Merlin was substantially harder to design than the other two as for them, I had ideas on how they would look. Merlin was the complete opposite.  Because he was a mix of android and transformer-styled robot, I found it difficult to find the balance between the two. I had to create a few different designs but never landed on one that I liked. Eventually I decided to go back to the start and look back on reference images and any other images that I could to get inspiration.  I wanted Merlin to have an old appearance so looked at "old robots" on Google and saw a few that I thought would be good as inspirations. I also liked the idea of having him either hunched or bent over. One of my mood board images had a robot with a similar posture which I wanted to base Merlin off of however when I drew from it, it didn't look how I was imagining him to be. Whilst I was looking for more inspiration, I came across anothe